Apr 25, 2018

43 Things


Today’s the day.

Anybody else out there as old as the Rubix Cube?  Or the disposable razor?

I thought I would waste a bit of your time by making you read 43 random things about me.

Well it was YOUR idea.  You clicked the link.

You’re welcome.

1.  I kill plants.

2.  I like a clean countertop.

3.  I’m a good secret keeper.

4.  Cinderella (the people version) is one of my favorites. And Cinderella is a lame princess, I think, but I LOVE the movie.

5.  Our dog Lulu gets on my ding dong nerves, but she’s cute.

6.  My phone screen is cracked.

7.  I vacuum everyday.

8.  I vacuum everyday because Max sheds like you would not believe.

9.  Wine is gross.

10.  I think Ed Sheeran is overrated.

11.  I’m five feet two inches.

12.  I will not tell you my weight.

13.  Weight doesn’t matter though.  It’s all about how the clothes fit.  And how yummy the cake is.

14.  I love cake and ice cream.

15.  La Parilla is the yummiest Mexican restaurant that I love.

16.  I basically like ANY Mexican restaurant.  So there’s that.

17.  I’m typing this on a MacBook Pro that Tony got with AMEX points.

18.  I feel sorry for The Duchess of Cambridge, Kate.  I wish they’d let that poor woman just lay down with her baby.

19.  My car is a Yukon Denali XL and we still have trouble getting all of our stuff inside when we go on trips.

20.  I play with my kids outside.

21.  Allison is better than me in basketball.  And also soccer.  And also running.  And the trumpet.

22.  Emily is taller than me.  But who isn’t?

23.  We are watching Little House on the Prairie as a family.

24.  The Carol Burnett Show is hysterical and one of my favorites.

25.  Dave Matthews Band is another favorite.

26.  I don’t like people to touch my face.  Not even my kids.

27.  There are a lot of photography trends that I think are LAME-O.

28.  I’ve never broken a bone.

29.  Dentists are scary.  Basically demogorgons.

30.  There’s a restaurant down the street that I could eat at every single day. I wish they served breakfast.

31.  I don’t think I will make it to 43 things.

32.  I have 2 sisters and 1 brother.

33.  I don’t know where the brother is.

34.  Chris Botti is another favorite.

35.  I can sing 80s country songs like you would NOT believe.

36.  This is my real hair color.

37.  I don’t let my kids use devices at the table.  Or while they are walking.  Or when family is over.

38.  Football and baseball are my favorites.

39.  I guess I should say soccer is another favorite.

40.  I don’t care about being skinny.  I care about FOOD.  And also running.  But mostly FOOD.

41.  Everyday I wear the same thing:  t-shirt, jeans and sneakers (sometimes Uggs)

42.  I knew Tony from junior high.

43.  I started dating Tony in 11th grade.

There you go.  Forty three random things about me that I know you were just dying to hear.  Now you can sleep better knowing.  Also, I didn’t really have anything else to write about today and you know what they say:

You get what you get and you don’t pitch a fit.

*Also, here’s my half dead plant in ICU.  Let’s hope it makes it to next Thursday because the one in the next room is already a crispy fritter.

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