Josephine is scream-crying in the car and we pull in the Target parking lot: Oh! Yook! A Target! I needed a Target! Yook at me I all better now!
Josie walks up to me holding a bra: Watch out, Mommy. Watch out for doze boobies right dare.
Josie talking to the puppy: Be careful dat table, Nora caws you hurt you self and den you get a boo boo and need a ban dayd.
In the car:
Josie: Care-yine. I poo-ed.
Caroline: You did?
Josie: Yes. I poo-ed.
Josie: You try, Care-yine.
Caroline: NO!
Josie: Op. I poo-ed again!
Listening to music and the Bubble Guppies theme song comes on: Mommy! Yook! I sound the Bubble Guppie song! (I *hear* the bubble guppies song)
After straightening Josie’s hair: She says (while twirling her finger in her hair) What happen my hay-er? Where my hay-er dats yike me?
Me: You want to go to gymnastics today?!?
Josie: Yes, but after my nap.
Me: (meeting Caroline at the bus stop) So. Did you catch yourself a boyfriend today?
Her: Well? No, but my sports bra was inside out if that means anything.
When Josie see something she wants to do she says “Can I go for it? I want to go for it!”
Looking at pictures of weather on my phone and Josie sees a storm with a lightening strike. She looks closely at it and says “Oooooh…..see dat? Dats a storm. I don’t wanna go for it. Dats skerry.”
Josie outside playing with me: “This wind is wind-ing my hair!”
Whenever Josie wants to do something with us she says “four getter” instead of “together”. “Let’s read a book for-getter”.

Love all the things the kids say.
I just laugh and laugh and laugh when I read these!! And then I remember when my Mac use to say, (while in the car) Blow the window up Mama it’s breezy in here….. and I laugh again. I miss those days!