Jan 2, 2013

for the LOVE! {of kindles}

So. Everyone and their brother’s cousin is doing the “I’m going to take a picture everyday” thing.

I figured I might as well go on and join ’em.

I tried it last year, but failed around….

…oh, I don’t know.


This time I decided to go with a theme of sorts.

Seeing as how I just thought of it like….

…oh, I don’t know.

Thirty minutes ago? I really hope it sticks.

I decided that I’m going to post a “for the love” image everyday.

I’m calling it the For the Love Project mainly because all of the other titles I wanted were taken by some other photographers.

And also because I say “for the love” a lot around here.

I’m talking.


Except it usually sounds like


I’m going to try and make it more…

…oh, I don’t know.



Anyway. I’ll try my darndest to post everyday, but I’m for sure going to shoot everyday. Maybe iphone, maybe d700, but it will be something.

I promise.

And a little blurb about today.

Emily had her first orthodontics appointment this morning. She had spacers put in at 10:57. By 4:32 one was out. By 7:28 ALL were out. I told her she’s probably the absolute worst braces patient in the history of braces. She said that really helped her to feel better. I said “you’re welcome”.

Caroline fell in the floor today because we didn’t get her “salt crackers” fast enough. Those are Saltines, if you didn’t know.

Allison got a new pair of shoes today. They are called “slip ons” she said. They run really fast and she’s sleeping in them right now. That way, if she has to go to the bathroom during the night? She can just RUN AS FAST AS SHE CAN. She also found out that the rum cake she had a HUGE piece of has actual rum in it. “That’s ALCOHOL Allison!”, says Emily. Allison then started crying because “she’s been to Red Ribbon Week and she’s knows she’s under age”.


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  1. andrea says:

    I love this themed project you are doing! And such a good title for it! I always want to do some cool thing like this, but can never think of anything really cool or unique.
    You, my friend, have come up with a great photo project for the year!!

  2. Tracy H says:

    Of course I just love this post…which ones don’t I? 🙂 Love your little about today at the end 😉

  3. courtney says:

    I love that you are doing a “for the love” project. I’m doing a 365 so I’ll be around to nag, I mean encourage you 🙂 I too say “for the love” ALL the time 🙂

  4. ShannonJoy says:

    Seriously!!! Hilarious!!! And, of course, I LOVE this image!!!

  5. Melissa Rogers says:

    Your posts make me laugh out loud! Love your heart…and your take on everything!

  6. Love it Melissa! Look forward to your posts!! FYI – I tried a p365 once and failed on Jan. 9th (lol)…So I no longer harbor the delusion that I’ll EVER be able to do it.

  7. Christi says:

    Ive tried the 365 for three years now and failed. Not to be discouraged I’m trying again. Only problem is for all three days of this year I’ve forgotten or gotten interrupted until well after dark. Maybe by default my theme should be after dark. I have been getting plenty of snapshots with the iPhone though.