Jan 31, 2015



If you don’t get the title, you will by the end of this post.

Today we had a crazy-busy day. It’s not like us, actually. We are usually doing one or two things per day and that’s all I can handle, if you want to know the truth.

This day looked like this:

*Indoor soccer game for Allison (figured out 10 minutes before she was to be there that it was at NINE and not TEN….MAAAAAAAD DAAAAAAASH!!!)

*Visit our new office to check renovation progress and visit Daddy.

*Lunch with a friend nearby.

*Drop Allison off at a friend’s house.

*Pick Emily up from a friend’s house. Who actually met us at home to drop her off instead.

*Drop Emily off at the barn so that she can work/clean/organize the tack room.

*Play at the park with Caroline. Daddy met us there.

*Fro-Yo time with Caroline and Daddy.

*Pick up Emily from the barn.

*Pick up Allison from the friend’s.

*Come home to play and watch a movie.

*Emily goes to BFFs house to watch a movie.


You’re tired just reading that, aren’t you?

Well, our day of pin ball parenting looked a lot like Caroline’s playing at the park.

Tony and I were giggling and giggling because that kid RAN ALL OVER that playground. Bouncing from one thing to another. Going FULL SPEED HEAD FIRST down the slide one million times. Jumping out of swings, to the slide, to the merry-go-round, to the monkey bars and over the fence.

She looked A LOT like these guys.

It was amazing and I spent the rest of the day shouting, ‘PARKOUR!’.

(and one more from today because it’s so stinkin’ cute)

look right here_edited-2

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  1. Brenda Gibson says:

    ahhh! Reminds me when I was In 10th grade at a church choir practice where teacher was late… I jumped down onto a place where other kids did fm the balcony… only I went through sheet rock, landing in a locked prayer room. Parkour!!